Showing posts with label Trichotillomania. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Trichotillomania. Show all posts

Happy BFRB Awareness Week!

Shout out to all the Sparklers battling BFRBs. You're strong, you're brave and you're beautiful. 

If you're not familiar with BFRBs, here's the scoop: Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviours (BFRBs), including Trichotillomania (hair-pulling disorder) and Dermatillomania (skin-picking disorder) affect at least 4% of people, but are rarely spoken of, because of the stigma attached to having a mental illness. BFRBs can carry extra stigma because they affect a person's appearance-- and our society is obsessed with appearances.

Whether you have a BFRB, know someone with one, are a teacher or mental health professional, or simply want to help spread the word, here are a few ways you can help:

1. Spread the word. Take to social media or speak up in your (IRL) social circles. Start a discussion about the prevalence of BFRBs in your community. Talk about your own experiences, if you're comfortable doing so. Share blog posts like this one.

2. Donate to an organization like Trichotillomania Learning Center, to support ongoing research and community outreach for people with Trich and related disorders.

3. Download TLC's free hair-pulling and skin-picking awareness cards (BFRB awareness card pictured above) and hand them out.

How are you spreading the word about BFRB awareness week?

What I Learned At Trichotillomania Learning Center's Annual Conference

It's been over a month since the Trichotillomania Learning Center's annual conference, but I'm still digesting all the invaluable lessons I learned. Even if you didn't get the chance to attend, these ideas might help you, too.

Don't compare your problems to others'. Who's to say pulling is worse than picking, or vice versa? Besides, comparing issues is a waste of time that could be spent working toward a solution.

Even the people you look up to struggle sometimes. I met some incredible, accomplished, well-respected people. They're doing amazing things, living inspiring lives and they look put-together and flawless while they're at it. You'd never guess they secretly struggle with BFRBs. Hearing about their experiences, and learning that they lead fulfilling lives in spite of them is exactly the motivation I need to stay on the path to recovery.

Relapse happens, and that's okay. Some days, I pull a lot. Some days, I can't stop chewing my lip or biting my nails or picking my skin. And that's okay. Recovery isn't a destination; it's a journey, and it takes time. We all slip up. It's okay.
Being open about your struggle is brave, healthy and can help both you and others. Don't be ashamed of your illness; be proud of how hard you fight it every single day.

Trichotillomania Treatment Options & Coping Strategies

In times of stress, boredom or anxiety, those with trichotillomania (also known as compulsive hair-pulling) tend to have an especially difficult time with their symptoms. [Here's a refresher on what trichotillomania is].

If you have trich, some of these ideas might work for you-- I know many of them have helped me!

Treatment Options:

-Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. CBT is known for treating many illnesses, including anxiety, depression and fibromyalgia. I had a huge breakthrough in my treatment for trich during a CBT session, and have encountered studies and individuals who tout its efficacy. Ask your GP, psychologist or psychiatrist for a referral to a certified CBT practitioner for group or individual sessions.

-Medication. The bad news: there's no special pill that will stop you from pulling your hair. The good news: some medications which help anxiety, depression or other mental illnesses can aid in treatment of trichotillomania, too. If you are already on medication for a comorbid condition, chances are its positive effects will spread to your hair-pulling. When one illness is especially bad, others are, too; when one is successfully treated, you'll see an improvement in others, too.

-Alternative therapies. Many people have had success with alternative therapies, such as herbal remedies or different types of psychology/talk therapy. Ask your doctor if one of these may benefit you.

-Support groups. Improve your self-image, meet others with similar situations and share ideas that have helped you cope. This is an excellent way to make friends who 'get' what you're going through, too.

Meanwhile, find some coping strategies that work for you. (These are meant to help control symptoms, rather than treat the underlying illness). Below are a whole bunch for you to try.

Coping Strategies:

-Play with fidget toys-- a slinky, silly putty, a bracelet...

-Talk to someone you trust (especially if they have a similar disorder).

-Create a barrier between your fingers and the area you usually pull from. Wear a hoodie, gloves, bandanna or a hat.

-Pay attention to when and where you usually pull. Sometimes awareness is enough to stop pulling.

-Set small, measurable goals. "I will not pull for the next hour", or "I will not pull more than twice today". Continually raise the bar, and celebrate when you succeed.

-Wear an elaborate hairstyle or fancy hair clips.

-Wear nail polish or perfume. You'll be likelier to notice your hand reaching for your hair.

-Put lotion on your hands. This will make grasping hair more difficult.

-Pet a cat or dog.


-Try mantras, like "I am stronger than the urge to pull".

-Lift weights, go rock climbing or swim. Your arms will be too tired to pull.

-Keep a journal.

-Know your triggers.

-Practice self love.

Image Source

What is Trichotillomania? Q + A

Thanks to Olivia Munn's recent coming out as suffering from Trichotillomania, I'm inspired to write about the disorder which she and I, as well as 2-4% of people are affected by.

What is Trichotillomania?

Trichotillomania (also known as Trich or hair-pulling) is an impulse control disorder which causes the sufferer to pull out hair from her scalp, eye lashes or other parts of her body due to intense anxiety, stress or impulse. Trich is related to anxiety, mood and tic disorders as well as dermatillomania.

Who is affected by Trich?

2-4% of the population suffers from this disorder, although it is highly likely that that statistic should be higher, considering the stigma attached to mental illnesses causing sufferers to stay 'in the closet'. 90% of 'trichsters' are female.

What causes trich?

Like most mental illnesses, trichotillomania's prevalence is impacted by genetics and comorbid disorders, although scientists are unsure what other factors, if any, come into play.

It is not the suffers' fault!!! (extra emphasis highly necessary). It is not a choice, and is nothing to be ashamed of. Like diabetes, depression or an allergy, trich is a medical illness and deserves to be taken seriously.

What treatment options are available?

Unlike physical ailments, mental illnesses can be very difficult to treat. Fortunately, utilization of medication, cognitive behavioural therapy and support networks can make trich very manageable.

What did Olivia Munn say about her experience with trich?

Olivia shared, "I rip out my eyelashes..." She also divulged that she has a comorbid disorder: social anxiety disorder. "I don't think anyone would describe me as weak, but I don't want people to be mean to me... I moved around a lot when I was younger and no one was nice to the new kid. So there is always this feeling that someone will make fun of me". [Source]

What's your personal experience with trich?

I've pulled my hair for as long as I can remember. As a child suffering from Selective Mutism, I often twirled my hair in an effort to self-soothe, and when that didn't work I would resort to pulling out my hair.

Like most trich sufferers, I was completely unaware of what I was doing until I started therapy.

Even now, in my occasional bouts of hair-pulling, I am often unaware of what I am doing until I've started.

I'm happy to say that with a mixture of learning healthy self-soothing techniques and treating my comorbid disorders, my trich is largely nonexistant.

There is hope!

More information:

Request information about hair-pulling from Trichotillomania Learning Center
Follow Olivia Munn on twitterFollow me on twitter & ask me anything!
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