Showing posts with label Snark. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Snark. Show all posts

KStew hates heels; The Internet is pissed

Celebrity gossip rags (and now The Internet) are making a fuss about Kristen Stewart's disdain for high heels.

"Anyone who’s seen photos of Kristen Stewart in one of her perpetually occurring thousand-dollar-gown-and-ratty-sneakers getups... may be surprised to learn that the Twilight star works with a professional stylist".

Actually, no. Most actors have stylists. Also, most of us don't spend our days pondering the lives of said actors.

And really, 'getups'? Only tabloid writers and exasperated fathers who say to their teens "you're going out in that?!" say 'getups'.

Besides, every job has uniform requirements and being a celebrity is no different. But it's not like Kristen eschews heels and fancy dresses completely. She makes her appearance, then changes into her sneakers.

"[The stylist's] name is Tara Swennen, and she wishes Stewart would wear heels just as much as the rest of us".

Really? I don't "wish Stewart would wear heels". I like her laid-back, 'real girl' vibe. Not everyone is into wearing party dresses and stilettos. It's cool that she's confident enough to flaunt it.

"Unlike the rest of us, Swennen actually gets paid to try and convince Stewart to wear heels. And most of the time, it still doesn’t work".

Well damn, doesn't that suck? At least it means that tabloid journalist still has a job, right?

An Open Letter To Anonymous Haters

Dear Anonymous Haters who post nasty comments on my blog,

I am flattered. Truly. Not only do you take the time to read my work, but you meticulously craft scathing responses to my every post. You are so good at sharing your hateful words in a timely manner (within a day of my updates-- wow!) but you word them so creatively, so eloquently. For example: "dear becca, my responze to your last post is fuck ylou".

Oh god. That stung!

Also, you are very brave, leaving an anonymous comment on a not-yet-popular blog. That takes guts, doesn't it?

Here's another gem:

I told Kamen you'd blogged about him.
And everytime you mention him, I will tell him. You may be hurt by whatever he ''did'' but Stop talking fucking shit about him over and over again. You say you're done with him but you're not. Youre using him to get fucking sympathy for nothing, thats just cruel. Stop trying to make out you've done fuck all wrong when youve caused more damaage than anyone else.

1 Ooh, I'm so scared someone told Kamen I'd blogged about him!
2 You put 'did' in quotation marks?! Now you're serious! I am shaking in my boots. For realz.
3 I'm talking "fucking shit" about him? Not just "shit", but "fucking shit"? Actually, anon, I'm talking "fucking shit" about you right now. You must feel so special.
4 What is "damaage"? Is that pronounced 'dahm-aw-j".

These are just the latest comments. The others I didn't care to post because making up snarky responses to them all is a waste of my time.

And next time I write an open letter, I think it'll be responses to my favourite positive comments from my dedicated readers (other than Victoria, because she's a cunt).
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