Showing posts with label Self Love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Self Love. Show all posts

Things To Do In 2017 -- That DON'T Include Dieting!

The beginning of a new year is a wonderful time to try new things. Here are some suggestions:

♥ Try a restaurant in your neighbourhood that you've never been to before.

♥ Follow more fat positive and body positive people on Instagram. I'd recommend Natalie Means Nice, The Militant Baker and Chubsterette. (I'm on Instagram too!).

♥ Try a new to you kind of exercise (for fun-- not because you feel like you have to). 

♥ Bake something from scratch. (Soft pretzels? Chocolate cheesecake?) And then eat some, without guilt.

♥ Figure out what you want to do more of & what you want to do less of.

♥ Read a book you've been meaning to, but haven't yet been able to finish.

♥ Message someone you haven't heard from in ages.

♥ Let go of a relationship that's no longer serving you.

♥ Have you been avoiding a medical appointment, like an ultrasound or a pap smear? Or have you just not gotten around to booking it? Get that shit done.

♥ Try practicing mindfulness.

♥ Pick up a magazine you've never read before. Maybe you'll find a new hobby or interest.

♥ Try a new hairstyle. Even if you hate it, it'll be good for a laugh.

♥ Get a new piercing or tattoo.

♥ Try a lip colour you've never worn before. Bright red? Lilac? Green?

Whatever you do, don't let the insidious "new year, new me" and "gotta lose weight!" bullshit get to you. This is your year. Do with it what you will. And have fun!

Image source: ElleBelleDesignShop on Etsy.

12 Ways To Boost Your Confidence

Confidence is one of those beautiful, elusive qualities we all seek but can never seem to attain. It's not surprising, considering the air brushed images we're surrounded by, rape culture we're immersed in, and fatphobia and bigotry being spewed by media, family, friends and doctors alike. 

But I'm proof that being confident is possible, no matter your shape, size or dis/ability. 

I have multiple chronic illnesses and use a cane to get around. I wear a size 26 (US) and have curves in all the "wrong" places. I have self harm and dermatillomania scars all over my body. 

Despite the fact that modern mainstream society sees me as ugly, I know I'm beautiful. I also know there's much more to me than my physical attributes. And I don't care if other people disagree. It's taken me a long time to get to this place, but I really don't care about the naysayers, the fat haters, the bigots who think disabled people are better off neither seen nor heard. I've done a lot of work, between therapy, changing the way I dress, the way I think, the media I consume, and the people I hang out with, and it's paid off.

Here are 12 ways you can become more confident, too:

1. Create a positive environment. Growing up with an abusive father who constantly belittled me for compulsively picking my skin or for being too heavy, I internalized these ideas and they became negative self-talk. For years, I berated myself for eating too much, not exercising enough, being stupid or being ugly. How could anyone feel good about themselves with an external or internal monologue like that? I've learned to surround myself with people who uplift me and who personify the confident, loving person I want to be.

2. Self care. I know it's become a bit of an irritating buzzword, but self care can't be overlooked. Push yourself to work toward your goals, but know when to rest. Have a hot bath. Set reminders so you never miss a vitamin. Invest in a class you're interested in. Paint your nails. Listen to your favourite song. No matter how small the act of self care, it's worth it. You are worth it.

3. Celebrate your accomplishments, no matter how small. When I was about 18 and feeling particularly down on myself, my therapist told me to write a list of 5 things I should be proud of. It took me a good 15 minutes, but I managed. I learned to use my past accomplishments as motivation. If you've got a list of things you've done successfully staring you in the face, no new challenge can knock you down.

4. Perform random acts of kindness. As Audrey Hepburn said, "For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness...". Knowing your beauty is more than skin deep will boost your self esteem.

5. Take selfies. From above, from the side, full body, portrait, from "ugly" angles... Get used to how you look. The more you look at yourself, the more you desensitize yourself to your "flaws". After a while, you might even start to like how you look! (This tactic worked great with my nose, which I actually think is super cute, after years of hating it).

6. Follow body positive and fat positive blogs and Tumblr accounts. Representation matters. Studies show that being exposed to a larger variety of body types, sizes and colours increases our tolerance and appreciation of them. If you're having a hard time finding bodies like yours in the media (which most of us are!), purposely seek those bodies out. Seeing people who look like you will make you feel better.

7. Wear makeup... or don't. Do you feel good wearing a full face of makeup? Would you rather be bare-faced? Is a swipe of lipstick or a little mascara all you need? Prefer blue lipstick to vampy red, or natural makeup to bold looks? Forget your mom's or your boyfriend's or Allure's opinion about makeup, and wear what makes you feel like you.

8. Wear clothes that make you feel good. Try on every item of clothing you have, and make sure it fits comfortably. If you have to tug at it so it sits right, or if it's so oversized that you feel unattractive with it on, donate it.

9. Act as if. There's a reason "fake it 'til you make it" is such an ubiquitous saying: there's truth to it. Stand tall. Speak as though you know everyone is hanging onto your every word. And soon enough, they will.

10. Practice "Power Posing". Did you know changing your body language changes your body chemistry, thereby changing the way you interact with others and how they perceive you? As Professor Amy Cuddy explains in her TED Talk, this takes faking it 'til you make it a step further: fake it 'til you become it.

11. Don't read "health magazines". They aren't really about health, or they'd feature people of every size, and talk about ways to feel good about yourself, not how to make your stomach look flatter. Tl/dr: So-called health mags are bullshit.

12. Stop thinking of your body as something that needs work. Your body is beautiful and miraculous and resilient and perfect just the way it is.

Learning to be confident in who you are and how you look is a process, and no one is confident every moment of every day. But: Cultivate good habits, wear things that make you feel gorgeous, and hang out with the right people, and you'll be well on your way to loving yourself. And that's what matters.

5 Reasons To Read "Hot & Heavy: Fierce Fat Girls on Life, Love & Fashion"

Hot & Heavy: Fierce Fat Girls On Life, Love & Fashion came out earlier this year and continues to receive a plethora of positive press from within the fat community. If you haven't already got a copy, I urge you to rush to Amazon or your local bookstore. It's worth it, I promise!

Edited by Virgie Tovar and published by Seal Press, Hot & Heavy features incredible writers/fat activists, including Tasha Fierce, Kitty Stryker, April Flores (pictured on the cover) & lots more listed here.

Here are 5 reasons why you should read this anthology today:

1 The stories are genuine, authentic and raw. Written by real fat women with a variety of experiences, from illness to dieting to dancing and learning to love their bodies, every chapter is unique and engaging.

2 Virgie's piece, "Pecan Pie, Sex & Other Revolutionary Things" is my favourite, possibly because I relate to much of it and adore Virgie's writing style, but every chapter spoke to me in some way. I think you'll feel the same.

3 The book advocates "shedding shame instead of shedding pounds" [page 51]. We are more than our size or shape, our gender or sex, our skin colour or background. This is a powerful message.

4 The epilogue is full of inspiring, actionable ideas for fierce fat girls who want to love their bodies. A perfect way to end an incredible book

5 Explore the "About the Contributors" section at the back for even more fatspiration, including links to fat positive websites run by the contributors. Consider it hours of extra reading for free.

A copy of Hot & Heavy was provided to me by Seal Press in exchange for this blog post. This in no way affects my opinion of the book.

Learning To Be Proud of My Scars

Accepting the scars on my body wasn't nearly as hard as the battle I'm waging against the scars on my face.

"No one could love a girl with scars on every inch of her face"
"It's only okay to be fat if you have a pretty face, and I don't"
"Even $100 foundation can't cover these marks"

Every day when I look in the mirror, I see lack of self control, childhood chicken pox, chronic skin picking disorder.

What should I see?

A woman who struggles with dermatillomania and wins. Big, bright, brown eyes. A face that's weathered many storms and survived them all.

This is a work in process. I'm learning to be okay with that.

Image: Me, age 13

Valentine's Day Ideas [2013]

This Valentine's Day. why don't you...

♥ Be your own valentine-- buy yourself flowers, eat something delicious, romance yourself!
♥ Give your sweetheart an amazing massage, a night at the movies, or a home-cooked meal.
♥ Re-read your favourite romantic novel.
♥ Write a love letter to someone you adore.
♥ Have a fancy dinner party.
♥ Go out on the town, solo.
♥ Cook dinner for your parents.
Read this.
♥ Exchange copies of your favourite books with your best friends.
♥ Pop a bottle of pink champagne.
♥ Eat chocolate-covered fruit in the bath.
♥ Make out. (Keepin' it simple, right?!).
♥ Paint your nails red and pink, perhaps with little hearts and tons of glitter?
♥ Splurge on some luxurious lingerie.
♥ Bake a cake for your neighbours.
♥ Have a midnight picnic with your lover (dress code: underthings only), then read some erotica over dessert. Ooh la la!
Take this advice.
♥ Send some valentines! These, these or these, perhaps?
♥ Eat something yummy & heart-shaped, like pavlova with Chantilly cream, a chocolate raspberry tart, or a Sacher torte with handmade truffles dusted with cocoa powder in three different shades?
♥ Buy one of these, one of these, one of these or some of these for some *ahem* adult fun.
♥ Eat heart-shaped eggs for breakfast or lunch with your room mates.

Just remember that Valentine's Day is all about love-- whether it's self-love, romantic love, or love for friends or family. However you choose to celebrate, have a wonderful day!


I am my own soulmate

I am my own soulmate.
I don't need another person to complete me.
Others improve my life, love me and I love them,
but they do not define who I am;
I do.

Image: Smiling from the inside out by Geekr.Link

7 Easy Body Image Boosters

I wrote this article last summer for Love Twenty Magazine, and am reposting it today because boosting your body image never goes out of style.

If you've been a reader for a while, I hope you find it just as helpful as you did the first time around.
If you're a new reader, this is a great article to start out with. Thanks for joining us!


Healthy eating, exercise and sense of style are all essential, but if a girl doesn’t feel good about herself, what’s it all for? Feeling good about yourself isn’t as difficult as it seems (especially on bad days) and I want to help you get in the habit of feeling confident and beautiful. Try out these tips!

1. Practice makes perfect, right? The more you compliment yourself, the easier it will get.

2. Write out a list of all the little things you like about your appearance. For example: I have fabulous legs. My arms look awesome when I wear sleeveless tops. I love how my eyes pop when I wear bright liner. On ugly days, go over your list for a boost!

3. Find a go-to clothing item that you always feel great in — be it a perfectly tailored pair of pants, sky-high heels, or a little black dress.

4. Spend as much time as possible around people who make you feel good about yourself and as little time as possible with the ones who bring you down.

5. Check out the Health At Every Size (HAES) movement. HAES embraces the fact that we all have different sizes and shapes and health is more important than fitting society’s beauty ideals.

6. Cover your walls with photos and magazine clippings of your body image role models. Think of women who are comfortable with their figures, no matter what they look like. Emulate their confidence. Ideas to start your collection: Lizzie Miller (plus size model), your best friends, Christina Hendricks, Beth Ditto, Lady Gaga.

7. Remember to eat healthy and exercise, at least most of the time. Work in lots of fruit and vegetables, water, and long walks or time at the gym — along with a slice of chocolate cake, glass of wine or lazy day in. Health is about feeling good, just like healthy body image is about feeling good about your body, regardless of what society says it should look like.

So, beautiful, which tip is your favorite? What would you add to the list?

DIY Manicures Changed My Life

As a kid, I'd bite my nails whenever I was nervous. As I got older, I'd pick at my cuticles during panic attacks, completely unaware of what I was doing until my fingers were bleeding or infected.

But this isn't a post about dermatillomania (though I have been meaning to write one). It's not about bad habits from childhood, either. It's about how changing one little item in my beauty regimen has boosted my self esteem.

After an entirely sucky period in my life, I was left drained and insecure (especially in my appearance). I felt ugly more often than I felt acceptable, and I could probably count the number of days I spent feeling pretty on my hands.

I struggled my way back to self-love and self-confidence, but some days are still a battle. That's why the little things I do to make myself feel happy and beautiful are so important.

I recently began painting my nails; spending hours selecting a shade of polish, painting on coat after coat, covering it in glitter and admiring my handiwork. It's been worth it. This tiny change in how I take care of myself physically (and, I suppose, splurge on nail lacquer from time to time) makes me feel good.

What little something do you treat yourself to for an ego boost?

Image Source:

Unemployed? Maybe it's because you're fat!

Qualified? Professional? She should get the job!

I've been struggling to get job through the past few years.

Jobs are harder to come by when the economy is not doing well, and a young university student with minimal work experience is not going to be first choice employee. However, research has shown that in landing a job, for some, weight is a larger factor than ability.

Society's prejudice against larger people permeates the workplace, leading fatphobic employers to hire unqualified thin women instead of their larger, well-qualified counterparts.

All because of body size.

“I used to get hired very easily when I was thinner. Now if I get called in for an interview, I never hear back. They assume I’m going to be lazy and not get the job done. I try extra hard to look put together, but it’s occurred enough times that there’s no question it’s about my weight and not my skills.” (source)

Just like a 'distaste' for certain cultures, races or genders, this is discrimination.

The time to stand up for ourselves is now. Here's how:

If someone is clearly abusive towards you because of your size, call them on it. 
Be as ostentatiously, fabulously, confidently fat as possible. Wear bright colours and wild prints if you want to. Wear high heels and tight pants and short skirts. Look good, feel better, and ignore anyone who tells you otherwise.

Everyone has the right to a successful career, happiness, and respect, regardless of the way they look.

Image Source:

10 Little Things To Do For Yourself Today

It's hard, in this fast-paced world, to make time for yourself. It's easy, however, to feel guilty when you do. Stop the madness!

Not only is taking a step back from commitments and treating yourself once in a while totally okay, it's actually good for you! Keeping yourself happy and healthy increases productivity, betters your mental health and is exactly what you need to brighten your day. So let's get started!

1 Have a hot bath, complete with luxe bubble bath, candlelight and champagne. You deserve it!

2 Finish a task you've put off for a long time, despite its importance. Opening a savings account? Organizing your closet? Updating your resume? Whatever it is, do it now. Just get it over-with; what a huge weight taken off your shoulders!

3 Take a trip to the dollar store. No need to spend a lot to have fun shopping. Pick up some craft supplies, a colouring book or a silly toy that reminds you of childhood. It's good to do something frivolous and silly every once in a while.

4 Get all dolled up. If you feel lousy, looking the opposite may be enough to perk you right up.

5 Listen to music that makes you happy. I like Demi Lovato's album, Don't Forget, the song Fuck You by Cee-Lo Green, Danger Days by My Chemical Romance and anything Doo-Wop.

6 Stop. Sit down. Breathe.

7 Make a date with yourself. Do you have to pencil appointments into your agenda just to make sure they happen? Then make an appointment with yourself! Make time for you. You're worth it.

8 Spend time with someone who makes you feel good about yourself. Have coffee, get manicures or hang out on the couch. You'll be grinning in no time!

9 Write yourself a love letter.

10 Be productive. Push yourself just a little. Get something important done. Then celebrate!

Image: Demi Lovato

An Open Letter To: 15-Year-Old Me

Becca, aged 14.

Have you ever thought about what you'd say to a teenaged you? I tried writing a letter to myself (as part of the "An Open Letter To..." series), and found it a fascinating, healing experience. You might want to do the same. Here's mine:

Dear 15 -year-old Becca,

I'm you, 5 years from now. Don't question it. Let's just jump right in, 'kay?

Everything sucks right now, I know, but I promise it will get better.

I know pimples are annoying. You'll hate your skin for years. Best start mousturizing now.

The feelings you have for boys and girls are frustrating. Guys are confusing, and you're not comfortable with liking girls yet, because you don't have any queer friends or family members (that you know of). I'm glad you know there's nothing wrong with bisexuality. I'm glad you know you're a whole person with or without a relationship (and I'm sorry I forgot that when I was 19. I remember, now). Own your sexuality as early as you can. Embrace it, baby. That's the healthiest thing to do.

It's okay that you're not interested in sex, most of the time, even though some of your friends are. It's also okay if you want to look at porn or touch yourself. I know you won't (because I know you well). And that's okay, too.

Your parents' divorce is not your fault. Soon you'll understand that relationships sometimes don't last, and that's okay. What we learn from them and that we survive the fall is what counts.

You're going to be diagnosed with an eating disorder soon, Becca, around the time you turn 16. Don't be ashamed. That doesn't help anything. Lots of people have trouble with over-eating or under-eating. You just happen to have trouble with both. It isn't your fault. The sooner you recognize that and accept treatment, the better.

On a related note, you better get to work on accepting your body. It's a long, hard road. You think you're fat now (and think fat is a bad word), but you'll learn the hard way that you're not, and it isn't. Over the next 5 years you'll gain almost a hundred pounds, you'll battle EDNOS and body dysmorphia, people will belittle you for your size... and you'll begin to love your body for what it is and what it looks like. You're going to grow a few more inches. You're going to get wider hips, a rounder tummy, bigger breasts. Stretch marks and scars will litter your skin. But don't worry. You are beautiful. Remind yourself of that, every day.

You were just diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder, too. I know that doesn't make things any easier. On the contrary, everything's going to be more difficult, thanks to your uncontrollable moods, unstable sense of self and intense insecurity.
But you know what? You're stronger than your illness. So what if it's going to stick around all your life? Start fighting it now, because you are going to beat it.

I believe in you.

Love, 20-year-old Becca

11 of the Best Things About Being Single

I admit it: I'm one of those girls who loves being in a relationship. I love knowing there's someone to come home to. I love waking up to romantic text messages. I love awesome sex being practically a guarantee. I love feeling loved.

But you know what? You don't need a relationship for any of those things. You can fulfill yourself. You can get a room mate or a pet, send yourself a love note, buy yourself a vibrator & practice self-love by taking care of your own happiness.

Don't settle for making do with not being in a relationship, though. Embrace all the awesome things that come your way just because you're single.

Here's just a sample of the very best parts of the single life:

1 You get the whole bed to yourself! Lots of space to stretch out, roll around, or fill with plushies and paperbacks.
2 You get to choose the movie on date night. Don't like action movies? No problem!
3 Flirting with random people. Boost that confidence, baby! Flirting is fun.
4 Dress up for yourself. Love lace? Buy a pretty chemise & admire yourself in the mirror. "Hello, gorgeous!".
5 Suddenly, you'll have more money to spend on fun things for yourself. I spent so much on bus tickets to go see Kamen (not to mention gifts for him or lingerie to wear for him). Not anymore!
6 No need to agonize over whether or not he'll call or text you. There's far less anxiety of 'am I not important enough?' in my life now.
7 Vibrators don't talk back. You can turn them off and on, and they don't stop until they are through serving their purpose." (Source).
8 Also on the topic of vibrators: No need to explain what that lime green phallic thing in your dresser drawer is, nor to reassure him 'no, honey, it won't replace you'.
9 You can go to bed and get up whenever you like. No nagging from your boy or girlfriend.
10 Opportunity to reconnect with old friends and family. It’s amazing the relationships that you put to the side (and you may not even notice it) when you are in a relationship. I’ve loved taking the time to reconnect with those people – and have learned my lesson that I will never become disconnected from them again. (Source).
11 Nodding along with everything listed in this post from 1000 Awesome Things.

What would you add to this list?

Note: All of these ideas are mine, other than the few followed by this: (source). Click the link to go to the original post. Image Source.
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