Showing posts with label Religion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Religion. Show all posts

On Religion

 I've already talked about growing up in a multicultural family, but I haven't much touched on religion-- part because it can be a very heavy, controversial topic, but mainly because, until recently, I haven't had much to say about it.

As a child, I was mostly exposed to Judaism. Both of my parents were Jewish, and my father's side of the family (I didn't yet know my mom's) was, too. We had Passover seders, celebrated Rosh Hashanah, and I went to Hebrew school on Sunday mornings.

Around my twelfth birthday, I developed great interest in religious traditions and values. I started having Shabbat dinners at my Bubby's house, demanded that we celebrate Purim (the holiday from which my name, Esther, comes), and begged my parents to let me have a Bat Mitzvah.

My Bat Mitzvah was one of the best days of my life.

Around my fifteenth birthday, I experienced two huge changes: my parents separated and I developed a chronic illness.

I sought solace in (among other things) spirituality. I discovered Paganism (Wicca, in particular), and dove in, reading everything I could get my hands on, saying spells, invoking the Goddess Bastet and learning about sabbats, runes and deities.

Since then, my religious views have become even more ecelectic; in addition to Judaism and Paganism, I have been reading about Native religions and Christianity. I'm happy to be multidenominational.

In short, I believe no one religion is right, necessarily, and there's no need to subscribe to just one. If many aspects from many religions resonate with you, that's wonderful. Believe! Celebrate! Observe! 

To me, religion is something to strengthen and celebrate who you are and what you believe in. What ever that is, embrace it.

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