Showing posts with label Radical Self Love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Radical Self Love. Show all posts

Mental Health Week 2014

We're mid-way through Mental Health Week 2014, and I want to honour this week of awareness here at Polish and Sparkle.

Sparklers are a special sort of people, who are empathetic toward those with mental illness(es), even if they're neurotypical, themselves. And Sparklers who are mental health warriors are resilient and bold, and unafraid to share their struggles and their successes. (Yes, I am tearing up a little-- I'm really proud you're my readers).

To celebrate Mental Health Week, here are some links you might find useful:

3 popular mental health posts at Polish and Sparkle this year:

3 excellent mental health resources from around the web:

3 things to make you smile:

Cat Bounce - mindless, silly, full of kitties!
Sloths! Sloths! Sloths! - My sloth-full Pinterest board.

For more mental health resources, fun stuff and other great links, follow me on Pinterest.

How are you celebrating Mental Health Week this year?     

Forget "perfect": You're already beautiful!

Liz Taylor knew looking good on the beach is all about having the right attitude!!

With swimsuit season upon us, I've noticed a flurry of discussion (especially among women) of the stress we experience trying to tone-up and look perfect in itty bitty bikinis and filmy summer clothes.

What if I'm not tan enough? What if I'm too skinny or too fat? What if, what if, what if.

We're terrified of being thought of as anything but as flawless as the mannequins at Urban Planet or the models in Fashion Magazine. The truth is, those mannequins are plastic and those models are air-brushed-- a human can't look that way in 'real life', EVER.

This is common knowledge. And yet, we still beat ourselves up about not being perfect.

So how do we change this?

First, we need to acknowledge that we're almost never being carefully, cruelly scrutinized when we think we are. The other girls on the beach aren't looking at your stretch marks, and the men you sleep with aren't judging your scars. Other girls are too busy worrying about their own perceived imperfections and guys are too busy simply being stoked that they're in bed with you.

Instead of fixating on your "flaws", focus on what you feel confident about. Wear something that makes you feel pretty, that emphasizes your best features (and STOP reading magazine articles that tell you to cover your 'arm flab' and 'muffin top'! Focus on the positive!) Remember that no one is perfect.

You are beautiful. Enjoy the rest of your summer!

"Draw a Heart on Your Wrist, Change the World"

To Write Love On Her Arms by aglanceatmyworld on Flickr

Beautiful readers and wonderful friends, I'll preface this post by saying this: You know mental illness is an issue that's very dear to me, not just as a person who suffers from it, but as an advocate of mental health, love and supporting one another.

My friend Victoria (thank you, gorgeous!) brought my attention to Free Love Day, which "promotes awareness of suicide and depression, as well as to advocate a lifestyle of unconditional love".

Here's more information from the facebook event page:

Depression is one of the leading conditions that lead to suicide. Suicide is the tenth leading cause of death in the United States. Statistically, for every suicide there are ELEVEN attempts. And the truth is that we don't know who wants to, will try to, or will take their life.

What's the answer to this? Love is one. Here, love means an action and decision to unconditionally practice patience, kindness, and humbleness towards people. Sharing your story with people, because we all have one. To open up so no one feels alone.

SO HERE'S THE DEAL: On April 25th, put a heart on your wrist to signify that you will wear your heart on your sleeve and observe a LIFESTYLE of love. ASK SOMEONE HOW THEY'RE DOING. TELL PEOPLE YOU LOVE THEM AND DO IT. Nobody should have to feel so bad about themselves that they take their own life, so let's give them a reason not to! Let's change the world on April 25th!

I love the fact that this initiative not only sheds light on the horrors of mental illness, but embraces the positive ways we all can help each other cope with it. Whether you or a loved one (or both) are under attack by the "black dog", I urge you to take part.

Even the smallest actions have a huge impact. Love, love, love.
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