Showing posts with label Politics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Politics. Show all posts

In Favor of Angry Feminists

I sometimes wonder whether it's worth it to be as outspoken as I am (especially on the internet). Is it worth it to make enemies because I feel the need to discuss my life, my feminism, my stance on abortion?

But nights like tonight make things crystal clear.

Here's what went down:

There’s this bill that they are trying to pass in Texas that would make it illegal to get any abortion after 20 weeks of pregnancy, and would make it very difficult for abortion centers [even general health centers that happen to offer abortion-related services] to continue doing what they do. Governor Rick Perry has already said that if the bill makes it to his desk, he will sign it. And Wendy Davis said fuck no that is not happening.

So she’s filibustering it. That means she asked to talk on the subject at 11:18 this morning, and if she can continue talking about abortion until 11:59 tonight, the bill won’t reach Governor Perry, and they would have to start all over with the bill next time they meet- 2 years from now.

But Wendy has to keep talking. She can’t pause for even a minute, not for food or a sip of water or to go to the bathroom or sit down. She can’t even lean up against anything, or she’s out [source].

Senator Davis had to speak for hours on end about a woman's right to bodily autonomy, following the rules to a 'T'-- until the Republicans decided to vote at the last minute. After midnight. Illegally.

They claim they began voting before the stroke of 12, but the 170,000+ people watching know that's not true.

And then protestors were arrested. Forcefully.

So following the rules only applies if you're not a white, straight, cis-gender, Republican man? Interesting.

This is about more than abortion. It's about more than Texas. It's about more than America. 

This is about women's rights. This is about human rights. 

I can't stay silent. I won't stay silent.

Senator Davis, you are a superhero. My fellow angry feminists on tumblr (with whom I've been speaking all night), I love you.

An Open Letter To Rick Santorum

Dear Mr Santorum,

Being pro-choice isn't about aborting fetuses. It's not about undermining you (and I know self-centred Republicans like you often think the world revolves around them & people's political choices revolve around them). Being pro-choice about one thing, and one thing only: a person's right to choose.

As an American, white, financially well-off, cis-gendered, straight male, you're given the right to choose.

Most of us aren't so lucky.

Most of us aren't white, financially well-off, cis-gendered, straight and male.

So here's a suggestion. Instead of spreading hate and insensitive 'advice', try being empathetic. Instead of telling women who've survived rape to "make the best out of a bad situation" [source], consider the fact that some situations can't just be made better. Sometimes, abortion is the only answer. And sometimes, politicians need to admit that they're wrong.

Just like I'm going to admit something about myself: throughout this letter I've been tempted to make jokes about your campaign being full of shit, but I've restrained myself (mostly).

Unfortunately for you, your grossly unconstitutional campaign is a much bigger issue.

Hopefully you'll fix that before you get glitter bombed again.

Rebecca Esther

Related Links:

Definition of Santorum | Santorum on Wikipedia | Santorum Quotes | Santorum's Campaign Site | More Santorum
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