Showing posts with label New York City. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New York City. Show all posts

Inspiring Imagery: Queens, New York

With the growing popularity of Tumblr, Pinterest and IMGfave, today's blog post is a little something different. This is a collection of inspiring images (this time, of Queens, NY!) I've found around the web (sources included when possible). Explore other Inspiring Imagery posts here.

 Hydrangeas in Queens

Sources: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6

Snapshots: NYC & DC October 2012

I still can't stop talking about the incredible time I had on my trip! Whether you're planning your own trip to NYC and DC or simply want to live vicariously through mine, here are the highlights:

New York City

-Checking out the amazing exhibits at MoSex
-Exploring Greenwich Village ("The Village").
-Stagekittening class with Lefty Lucy at the New York School of Burlesque
-Authentic New York-style cheesecake at Good Fellas
-Staten Island ferry & Statue of Liberty
-The metro
-Times Square
-Hilariously (and somewhat frighteningly), Elmo is a panhandler!!

Washington, DC & Alexandria and Arlington, VA

-Toured Old Town Alexandria (my favourite part of the state of Virginia)
-Brunch with Lexi and Susan
-Bought new dresses
-Visited the Smithsonian Museum of American History. My mom hung out with Kermit the Frog!
-We flew Porter Airlines home to Toronto, which included a fabulous glass of red wine en route.

And the little things that added that special something to my trip:

♥ Strangers complimenting my pink sequined tote bag ♥ Trader Joe's cinnamon whisks ♥ 
Taking DC's metro (without getting lost!) ♥ My first spa pedicure (!!!)
♥ Fresh peaches (they taste like summer!) ♥ Glittery, skull-patterned manis ♥
Have you ever visited these destinations?

New York State of Mind: A NYC Playlist

If you're in a New York state of mind, I have the perfect playlist for you! This is what I listened to during my last trip to the Big Apple:

Note: I feel this post is especially pertinent after Sandy's destruction. Even after a hurricane battered the city, it's still one of the most magnificent the world over. While you're listening to this playlist, if you have any time or money to spare, check out these post-Sandy volunteer opportunities or where to donate to help those affected by Sandy. Thanks!

♫ Around the World - Buddy Greco (featured on the Pan Am soundtrack)

Around the world / I've searched for you / I traveled on when hope was gone / To keep a rendezvous.

♫ Sherry - Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons

Technically, I suppose this is more of a New Jersey song than a New York song, but to each her own, right? Besides, it's so dance-y!

♫ Manhattan - Ella Fitzgerald

How can you go to Manhattan and not listen to this song?! I already sang its praises here.

♫ Downtown - Petula Clark


♫ New York State of Mind - Barbra Streisand

Another classic!

♫ Empire State of Mind - Jay-Z & Alicia Keys

A new classic?

♫ Rent - Anthony Rapp & Adam Pascal (Rent Official Broadway Cast Recording)

The title song from the NYC musical.

♫ New York, New York - Frank Sinatra

It's up to you, New York, New York!

♫ The Edge of Glory - Lady Gaga

This song is epic, just like the city. Plus, it's by a native New Yorker.

NYC's Museum of Sex

Last week in New York City, I had an amazing time exploring, shopping and sightseeing. But one of the highlights of my trip was checking out (pun intended!) the Museum of Sex.

I know anything with 'sex' in the name doesn't sound like a vacation destination (especially one that's not rated R and is found on 5th avenue), but believe me, this museum is a must-see if you're interested in science, history, or simply learning about sexuality.

Current exhibits at MoSex include F*CK ART, Universe of Desire and The Sex Lives of Animals, as well as the excellent Permanent Collection.

F*CK ART is a joint project between the museum and 20 select street artists, to "push the boundaries of our relationship to sexuality in public space". I found the idea intriguing, because sexuality remains incredibly taboo in our society. I thought Miss Van's art was especially incredible.

 Intimate photos sent as MMS's on Blackberries
Universe of Desire explores how sexuality and technology are intertwined. This exhibit held my attention the longest, probably because I came of age when social media began to grow popular. PIC?

The Sex Life of Animals is a ground-breaking exhibit that shows the public just how similar our sexual interests and behaviours are to those of animals. This exhibit proves that multiple genders, prostitution, sex for pleasure and homosexuality are completely natural, because they are found in species other than our own.

Vibrators from the 1800s

The Permanent Collection includes French pin-up post cards, vintage photos, fetish gear and RealDolls (which you're welcome to touch). The Victorian vibrators are my favourite part of the collection, because I'm fascinated by the history of Psychiatry, which is more connected to vibrators than you'd expect!

 Condom Lollipops! So cute.

The museum also has a store, which is the New York destination for books about sexuality, erotic art, penis-shaped pasta, fuzzy hand-cuffs or a designer vibrator.

For more information, visit the museum's website.

Have you ever visited MoSex? What do you think of this museum?

Press tickets were provided free of charge. All opinions expressed here are entirely my own and remain unaffected by MoSex's generosity.

Tuesday Tunes: Manhattan

It's a busy week, chez Becca: school is in full-swing, work is going swimmingly, and I'm gearing up for my trip to New York and Washington, DC.

Lately, my playlist has been full of 50s and 60s music, so for this week's Tuesday Tunes, here's Manhattan performed by Ella Fitzgerald:

What are you listening to this week?

New York City: What To Wear

In just a few weeks, I'll be headed to New York City! I'm already giddy with anticipation, thrilled to return to one of my very favourite cities.

I've started to prepare by airing out my suitcase and reading about NYC must-sees, but what I haven't done yet is chosen what to wear! As a fashion blogger, that's incredibly important.

So here are my ideas:

Edgy Meets Comfy

Breakfast at Tiffany's Glam

The Stylish Tourist NYC

Which look do you like the best?

Related Links:

14 Things I Love About America | Things I Learned About Myself in the Big Apple

Things I Learned About Myself in the Big Apple

NYC as seen from the Staten Island Ferry. Photo by Rebecca Gorenkoff, Etched In Tin.

During my just-shy-of-3-days in NYC last week, I had time for lots of introspection + self-exploration. Here's what I found:

1 I'm much better with directions than I thought. While it's true that I get lost in my own city of Toronto, where I've spent all my life, I'm able to figure out which bus to take, which way Avenues versus streets go and how to ask for directions if (read: when) I need them. This comes in handy all the time!

2 I love taking pictures. I've known this for a long time, but it became more apparent than ever during my trip. I gleefully snapped photos of buildings in The Bronx, artifacts in The Museum of Sex, the Statue of Liberty... Even a few of pretzels. Photography is a great way to express one's self while keeping track of time and memories, so you'll see lots more photos (by me) on Etched In Tin.

3 I think I now understand how new Torontonians feel when they see the C. N. Tower. Seeing the Statue of Liberty up close is surreal. She's so much smaller than literature leads one to believe, yet she's larger than life. The moment you witness a landmark you've heard about all your life but never actually seen is magical.

4 I'm more capable of interacting with strangers than I thought. This is a revelation! I'm quite shy by nature, so learning that I can hold a conversation with ease was quite a confidence boost.

Do you find that travelling offers you learning experiences? When's the last time you learned something about yourself?

Thoughts on New York City

I might have judged New York City too harshly.

I was there for less than 24 hours, on layover on my way home from Orlando, Florida. It was midnight when I arrived. The streets were packed with iconic yellow cabs and their drivers, ordering me to get in their taxis as well as rather creepy drunken-looking people, one of whom yelled "nice tits" as I walked past. The occasional tourist wandered past as well, but that was all.

Not a great first impression to give me, NYC.

Maybe I'd enjoy the city more if I weren't so easily stressed. It's GO GO GO! which I like sometimes, but with an anxiety disorder, that unrelentless pace can be overwhelming rather than exciting.

On the other hand... I like that the streets are numbered. I like that it's the Broadway show capital of the world. I like that famous artists, writers and bohemians hail from NYC-- Jonathan Larson, Gala Darling, Lady Gaga. I like that same-sex marriage was finally (!!) legalized just before I arrived.

Maybe holding hands with my boyfriend, wandering the streets with Starbucks in my free hand and a camera around my neck, I'll learn to love this city that I'm so desperate to adore.

Have you ever been to New York City? What was your experience?
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