Showing posts with label Music Monday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Music Monday. Show all posts

Music Monday 13.4.2015: Bigger On the Inside

I'm feeling emotional. My life has been incredible lately; moving into a new place with my mom and my cats, meeting (and falling head over heels for) a new man, having cancer, Crohn's and other terrifying illnesses ruled out as the cause of my severe abdominal pain.

Life has been hard, too. The chronic pain, for one. Losing my father and my brother. Coming to terms with my worsening disability. 

So Bigger On the Inside, Amanda Palmer's new song and first Patreon project really resonates with me. My favourite lines:

And I am tired of explaining 
And of seeing so much hating 
In the very same safe haven 
Where I used to just see helping 

I've been drunk and skipping dinner 
Eating skin from off my fingers 
And I tried to call my brother 
But he no longer exists 

I keep forgetting to remember 
That he would have been much prouder 
If he saw me shake these insults off 
Instead of getting bitter.... 

I am bigger on the inside 
But you have to come inside to see me 
Otherwise you're only hating 
Other people's low-res copies

"All About That Bass": Empowering or Problematic?

On Monday I posted that I'm loving Megan Trainor's first single, All About That Bass. Since then, I've been reading what others in the body positive and feminist community think about it. So I thought maybe I'd throw my own hat into the ring and discuss what I find empowering about the song, and what I consider problematic.

Here goes.

Yeah, it’s pretty clear, I ain’t no size two

But just look at Megan in the video. She's not fat. She's within the realm of what society deems acceptable. She's probably a size 4 or 6, even. She has no idea how hard it is to be "unacceptable", to be told by strangers that she's going to die if she eats another cheeseburger, to sob in a department store dressing room because even the largest clothes there won't fit her. 

Then again... "Skinny shaming" is not the same as fat shaming. One results in a few minutes of hurt feelings; the other is a single aspect of the systematic oppression fat people face every single day.

So I agree with those who say 'Bass' isn't so much an anthem for fat girls as it is for what Jenny Trout has dubbed "the fatcepptable movement".

But... At least we're moving in the right direction. Excluding fat girls and putting down skinny girls is definitely not where I want society to be, but with catchy, somewhat empowering, somewhat problematic songs like 'Bass' and Nicki Minaj's 'Anaconda', at least we're getting closer to where we should be.

The other major problem I see with this song is the emphasis on how boys feel about curves. 

"Yeah, my mama she told me don’t worry about your size / She says boys like a little more booty to hold at night".

Part of me snarks, 'thank God! Boys like your booty! Then I guess your body is acceptable'. But is it wrong to care what others think of your body? No. Part of why I love my body is because I know it's fun to touch and others find me attractive. But that's just part of why I love my body. That's the key. So what's problematic isn't that Megan mentions that boys will appreciate her booty; it's that she seems focused on the male gaze, rather than what she loves about how she looks. 

But I can shake it, shake it
Like I’m supposed to do
Cause I got that boom boom that all the boys chase
And all the right junk in all the right places

The above line could go either way; she can 'shake it, shake it' like boys expect her to, or how she feels she's 'supposed to do'. And is she glad that boys feel she has 'all the right junk in all the right places'? Or is that how she feels about herself?

The main aspect of the video itself, that I find could be empowering or problematic (or both) is the dancers. There's one dancer who's fat. Is he highlighted because being fat is 'perfect from the bottom to the top'? Or are he, and the skinny girls in the video, too fat and too thin, respectively, and in the video to demonstrate that only Megan Trainor-sized people are acceptable?

All of that being said, the one lyric that really sticks with me is this one:

If you got beauty beauty, just raise ‘em up
Cause every inch of you is perfect
From the bottom to the top

Doesn't that say something?

To conclude: 'All About That Bass" is somewhat empowering, somewhat problematic, and catchy as fuck. I can't wait to hear Megan Trainor's future releases-- and I hope they'll be just as catchy, but far less problematic than this one.

Music Monday: All About That Bass

I can't get enough of this song! It's been out for a couple months, and it seems to be getting more popular as time goes on-- which is refreshing, considering the subject matter!

Every inch of you is perfect, from the bottom to the top!

Music Saturday: Love Buzz

Tonight is the 20th anniversary of Kurt Cobain's death. Since he's a major influence of mine, tonight is incredibly melancholy, but also inspiring. After all, Kurt was an innovative writer, an unforgettable performer, an intersectional feminist and a style icon.

Today I'm motivated anew to use my time on earth wisely: to inspire, to create, to love and to be happy-- and to listen to amazing music.

So I hereby resurrect Music Monday... A little early (late?) in the week, but nonetheless... It lives on. Just like Kurt.

Listen to "Love Buzz" by Nirvana here, and enjoy the rest of your weekend!

P.S. If you need a laugh today... "Smells like..."! And check out this Kurt Cobain paper doll. Adorable!

Music Monday 18.3.2013: Top 7 Reasons To Love Freddie Mercury

I have a super huge crush on Freddie Mercury. And talking about the glam, inspiring and talented Mr. Mercury is an excellent way to start our week, don't you think?

Top 7 Reasons To Love Freddie Mercury:

7 He's an LGBT icon.

6 His stage presence. Magic.

5 He dressed to kill, but tastefully [source].

4 Queen. Queen's an amazing band, and it just wouldn't have been the same without Mr. Mercury.

3 He loved cats. Freddie must be looking down from heaven (or up from hell) and giggling at a silly cat video, because the internet loves cats as much as he did.

2 That mustache.

1 That voice.

What's your favourite Queen song?

Music Monday 14.1.2013: Let's talk about Les Miserables

It was way after my bedtime, but I heard music and wanted to know where it was coming from. I crept into the family room and curled up on the couch, intrigued.

Do you hear the people sing? / Singing the song of angry men? / It is the music of a people / who will not be slaves again! / When the beating of your heart / echoes the beating of the drums / there is a life about to start / when tomorrow comes!

What ever this music was, it was powerful. It made my little heart skip a beat... It sounded political. I didn't know much about politics, but I thought it was wonderful that Canada's leaders got together to sing about our freedom.

"Why is the prime minister singing, Mommy?".

My parents, totally engrossed in the film, hadn't noticed me until then. They both looked at me, bemused. "The prime minister? This is a musical. Les Miserables".

Okay, so it wasn't the government performing (and my parents still laugh at me for thinking that when I was 7). But that night, my life was changed forever. 


A few months later, I was sitting at the kitchen table, helping my mom make dinner. I grated cheese as I told her about my day at school. 
"So today in music class, my teacher asked everyone who their favourite singer was".


"Yeah. All my friends named a Spice Girl".

"And who did you say?"


A precocious, theatre-obsessed 10 year-old, I put on 'shows' for my family at all our get-togethers. I made costumes, choreographed dance routines, memorized songs and made flyers, enlisting my cousins to perform with me (they sometimes complied).

Most of the time, my relatives would watch for five minutes, then go back to their Cribbage games or hors d'oeuvres, causing me to stamp my little feet and cry, "the show must go on!".

But one Saturday, wearing a little pink chiffon nightie, smeared rouge on my cheeks and flowers in my hair, I sang, "I dreamed a dream in time gone by /when hope was high and life worth living...". For some reason, they listened. All eyes were on me. I kept singing, finishing the song with a high note, crumpling to the ground, 'dead'. 
I don't know what made them pay attention that day. I know it wasn't my voice (which has always sub-par, killing the dream I dreamed of being a Broadway star... but that's another blog post). Perhaps it was the conviction with which I sang the words of a tragic classic? I've always been full of emotion, and an old soul.


In junior high, I was a drama nerd. I was a lead in the school play, wore elaborate costumes on a daily basis, and spent all my extracurricular time in the drama classroom. So of course, I was first to find out that our class was going to see Les Miserables at the Canon Theatre.

I screamed. "Mr Matheson, that's my favourite musical!". My friends knew that already (and were aware that I had had the whole thing memorized since I was 8), so they just rolled their eyes.

It wasn't my first time seeing a live Broadway show, but it was one of the best experiences (at a theatre and in general) I've ever had. 

I was in Alexandria, pacing around my hotel room and fiddling with the TV remote. I was feeling anxious, and hoping a morning in (preferably with something good to watch) would help. Turning to PBS, I froze. The 25th Anniversary performance of Les Mis was on TV! Just what I needed.
Happily sinking into bed, I realized: this musical has been part of my life for as long as I can remember. It's helped shape my world view (not to mention my taste in music). I consider that a blessing.

This is the longest Music Monday post I've ever written. But last night, I finally got to see the 2012 adaptation of Les Miserables, and I have to talk about it, or I'll burst!

To sum up how I feel about it:

+Best Gavroche ever. EVER.
+Eponine was amazing. For the record, she's my favourite character.
+I love Colm Wilkinson (see above). His cameo made me smile. I'm glad the film gave lifelong Les Mis fans a nod by casting him as the Bishop.
+Anne Hathaway was breathtaking as Fantine.

So for your listening pleasure, here's Anne Hathaway singing I Dreamed a Dream.

Music Monday: What Are You Doing New Years Eve?

New Years Eve is tonight, and this video is too cute not to share (for the second NYE in a row!). Zooey Dechanel and Joseph Gordon-Levitt make a great duo. Enjoy!

The Polish & Sparkle Christmas Playlist

For optimal Christmas spirit-inducing auditory pleasure, please eat Christmas cookies and drink a peppermint mocha while you listen!

Christmas Day - She & Him
Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas - Judy Garland
O Come All Ye Faithful - Jackie Evancho
You Would Have Loved This - Tarja  
Baby It's Cold Outside - Chris Colfer & Darren Criss
All I Want For Christmas Is You - My Chemical Romance

I'll Be Home For Christmas - Kristin Chenoweth
Santa Baby - Madonna
Sleigh Ride - She & Him
White Christmas - Bing Crosby
Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree - Brenda Lee

 Image Sources: 1 2 3

Playlist: Wanderlust

For my fellow travelers: here are some fabulous songs with places in their names, organized into a fab playlist for Music Monday. Enjoy!

Good Morning Baltimore - Hairspray
I Ain't in Checotah Anymore - Carrie Underwood
Shores of California - The Dresden Dolls
What's the Time in NYC - Garou
Down In New Orleans - The Princess and the Frog
LA Made Me - Alexz Johnson
Copenhagen Refugee - Horrorpops
American - Lana Del Rey
Way Down in North Carolina - Lauren Pritchard
California Paradise - The Runaways
Anywhere But Here - Sick Puppies

Image Source

Music Monday: Neon Trees' "Animal"

Good morning. This is your wakeup call :)

Today we're watching Animal by Neon Trees.

The band walks to a gallery through the snow, then defaces the building's artifiacts paints abstract art very angrily. And then the gallery's patrons (who are suddenly wearing animal masks) dance to the unmistakeable sound of Neon Trees' tunes. What more do you need in a music video?

Music Monday: Love Metal

Listening to HIM will forever fill me with melancholy and nostalgia. I could listen to this band on repeat for hours during my teenage years, and Ville Valo's writing and aesthetic have endlessly inspired me.

This Music Monday, let's listen to some Love Metal:

What's your favourite HIM song? 

Tuesday Tunes: Manhattan

It's a busy week, chez Becca: school is in full-swing, work is going swimmingly, and I'm gearing up for my trip to New York and Washington, DC.

Lately, my playlist has been full of 50s and 60s music, so for this week's Tuesday Tunes, here's Manhattan performed by Ella Fitzgerald:

What are you listening to this week?

Need a laugh? Music Monday 13.8.2012

Need a laugh?
Political satirist and feminist singer-songwriter Katie Goodman (and her troupe, Broad Comedy) is here to help, with hits like Repetitive Motion Injury ("It could be from... um... making bread!"), Hummer Drivin' Man, I Drunk Dialed Obama ("I know you said you were going to be inclusive so you were being inclusive but do we have to be inclusive of them?! Don't they opt out of being inclusive by being anti-inclusive?"), and Soccer Mom Ho.

Katie's music is wildly popular and has been featured in countless publications, including Bitch magazine and the Huffington Post. It's stomache-inducingly hilarious, endlessly witty and chock-full of timely pop culture and political references.

Buy Katie Goodman's CD and/or mp3s here & watch more videos (including live Broad Comedy performances) here.

Katie Goodman's latest single, These Are the Things I Can't Fucking Remember:

Happy Monday!

Music Monday 23.7.2012

I can't help but resurrect Music Monday because I'm so happy there's a
new No Doubt video!

This band impacted my style, hell, my life more than I could possibly say.

Here's Settle Down:

fuck the haters, they make me stronger: Music Monday 13.2.2012

"I'm sorry, Russell who?"

The women worth looking up to are the ones who ignore the naysayers, overcome hardships & go on to be brilliant.

Last night, like most of the world, I was tuned in to the Grammys. I admit I didn't pay full attention to most of the show, but when Katy Perry took the stage, I couldn't look away. Here's why:

Having just broken up with her husband, Katy's presumably been pretty shaken. But not only did she perform, she sang what sounded like a big "fuck you to her ex". Sure, the song was written a year ago, but it has a lot more emotion and relevance now, doesn't it?

Katy is vibrant, not just in spite of her break-up, but maybe because of it: She's stronger and brighter than ever before. Let's be inspired by that today while we dance to her latest single!

Days like this I want to drive away
Pack my bags and watch your shadow fade
You chewed me up and spit me out
Like I was poison in your mouth
You took my light, you drained me down
But that was then and this is now
Now look at me!

This is the part of me that you're never gonna ever take away from me
This is the part of me that you're never gonna ever take away from me
Throw your sticks and your stones,
Throw your bombs and your blows
But you're not gonna break my soul

Here is the video with full lyrics:

Take me down like I'm a domino: Music Monday 6.2.2012

Romance, gorgeous lyrics, upbeat pop & the kind of tune that makes you want to get out of bed and dance... all in one song, care of Jessie J.

Jessie has dominated the pop charts since she hit the music scene, first as Jessica Cornish, then under her stage name, Jessie J. Her song, Sexy Silk was featured in Easy A & Price Tag is one of the catchiest songs released in the past year (plus it has a great message).

This Music Monday, feast your eyes & ears on Domino, performed live at The Jonathan Ross Show.

Rock my world until the sunlight
Make this dream the best I've ever known
Dirty dancing in the moonlight
Take me down like I'm a domino

Music Monday 16.01.2012: "Baby is a bad boy with some retro sneakers/ Let's go see The Killers and make out in the bleachers!"

Hello beautiful! Happy Monday!

This morning, let's listen to a fun, dance-y song dedicated to the cute boys we like to admire.

Boys boys boys! We like boys in cars. Boys boys boys! Buy us drinks in bars. Boys boys boys! With hairspray and denim. Boys boys boys! We love them, we love them!

What else is in your headphones today?

Music Sunday: RIP Amy Winehouse

Since learning of Amy Winehouse's passing, I've decided to dedicate this week's Music Monday Sunday to her. She was incredibly talented + was taken far too soon. Let's remember Amy's music, not dwell on her addiction:

Back To Black by Amy Winehouse.

"I always write in colours": Music Monday 20.6.2011

Good afternoon!

This week, Music Monday features Kerli, an amazing Estonian singer who is famous for creating Bubblegoth, interacting with her fans (whom she affectionately calls "Moonchildren") and penning gorgeous songs, like Walking on Air.

Kerli's description of her music: "I always write in colours. I try to paint the picture with lyrics and with sounds and melody, so that each song has a lot of personality". BMI's addition is lovely: "[Kerli's music] is ethereal and smoldering, gossamer yet tenebrous, electronic, intricate, expansive".

Check out Kerli's latest single, Army of Love. For more, follow Kerli on Twitter.
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