Showing posts with label Holidays. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Holidays. Show all posts

Valentine's Day 2015

I absolutely love Valentine's Day! It's all about love; romantic, platonic, familial, and self love. Not to mention shades of red and pink and heart-shaped chocolates everywhere!

No matter who you're celebrating with, it's not too late to make plans. Check out this list of Valentine's Day ideas, V-day ideas from celebrities & ways to romance yourself whether you're single or not.

Lots of X's and O's from me to you,

Image Source: MailboxHappiness on Etsy

Riots Not Diets, This New Year

I'm confident and sexy at 300 pounds, so why bother joining the weight loss bandwagon? 

At this time of year, we're inundated with ads for diet pills and shape wear and the latest fads that will zap your fat. Holiday parties are just an excuse for your overbearing relatives to tell you you'd probably  be married and have kids by now if you'd just listen and drop a few. And wanting to look your best when the ball drops can make you wonder if shimmying into a sparkly NYE dress would be easier if you wore a size 6 instead of a 26.

But don't give in to the pressure.

I admit I wasn't always as confident as I am now. I used to diet. I used to starve myself in hopes that I'd be more acceptable to the people around me. I used to listen to the evil little voice in my head telling me I'd be so much happier and prettier loved if I'd just control myself and stop stuffing my face and buy a fucking scale. 

The sense of community dieting offers is appealing (people love to commiserate about how ugly their flabby arms and round waists are and celebrate when they're "being good" and eating salad instead of cake). The cute clothes that only come in straight sizes are appealing. And the idea of strangers not glaring at you for eating a burger or taking a seat on the subway is especially appealing.

But instead of changing the size of our bodies, why don't we change how society treats fat people?

Instead of resolving to lose weight, let's resolve to fight for equal rights, to end girl on girl hate, and to practice self love.

Happy New Year! You're beautiful just the way you are.

Image Source

Let's Love Fat People Like We Love Santa

What's the difference between the average American and Santa Claus? Not waist size. It's the way they're percieved by society.

Santa, is a 'jolly fat man'. Sure, jokes are made at his expense ('Hey Santa, do you really need to eat a cookie at every kid's house?'. 'Couldn't you leave the sleigh at home and walk? LOL!!!1!'), but he's generally adored. 

The average American wears plus size pants too-- and is ridiculed and downright oppressed for that. 

Unless you're Santa, if you're fat, you'll be glared at every time you reach for a cookie. If you're not walking with a big bag of gifts (or something equally heavy) over your shoulder, you'll be criticized for being a lazy slob. You won't have a bright red specially- made outfit to wear. You'll go store to store and try on ugly, over-priced, poor quality clothing and feel like a failure whenever you can't zip or button them.

And when Christmas comes around, instead of cookies and milk and hugs from children, you'll get unsolicited diet tips and a winter coat that makes you look like a blob.

This holiday season, let's be like Santa: Let's judge people as being naughty or nice, not fat or thin.

Valentine's Day Ideas [2013]

This Valentine's Day. why don't you...

♥ Be your own valentine-- buy yourself flowers, eat something delicious, romance yourself!
♥ Give your sweetheart an amazing massage, a night at the movies, or a home-cooked meal.
♥ Re-read your favourite romantic novel.
♥ Write a love letter to someone you adore.
♥ Have a fancy dinner party.
♥ Go out on the town, solo.
♥ Cook dinner for your parents.
Read this.
♥ Exchange copies of your favourite books with your best friends.
♥ Pop a bottle of pink champagne.
♥ Eat chocolate-covered fruit in the bath.
♥ Make out. (Keepin' it simple, right?!).
♥ Paint your nails red and pink, perhaps with little hearts and tons of glitter?
♥ Splurge on some luxurious lingerie.
♥ Bake a cake for your neighbours.
♥ Have a midnight picnic with your lover (dress code: underthings only), then read some erotica over dessert. Ooh la la!
Take this advice.
♥ Send some valentines! These, these or these, perhaps?
♥ Eat something yummy & heart-shaped, like pavlova with Chantilly cream, a chocolate raspberry tart, or a Sacher torte with handmade truffles dusted with cocoa powder in three different shades?
♥ Buy one of these, one of these, one of these or some of these for some *ahem* adult fun.
♥ Eat heart-shaped eggs for breakfast or lunch with your room mates.

Just remember that Valentine's Day is all about love-- whether it's self-love, romantic love, or love for friends or family. However you choose to celebrate, have a wonderful day!


Music Monday: What Are You Doing New Years Eve?

New Years Eve is tonight, and this video is too cute not to share (for the second NYE in a row!). Zooey Dechanel and Joseph Gordon-Levitt make a great duo. Enjoy!

The Polish & Sparkle Christmas Playlist

For optimal Christmas spirit-inducing auditory pleasure, please eat Christmas cookies and drink a peppermint mocha while you listen!

Christmas Day - She & Him
Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas - Judy Garland
O Come All Ye Faithful - Jackie Evancho
You Would Have Loved This - Tarja  
Baby It's Cold Outside - Chris Colfer & Darren Criss
All I Want For Christmas Is You - My Chemical Romance

I'll Be Home For Christmas - Kristin Chenoweth
Santa Baby - Madonna
Sleigh Ride - She & Him
White Christmas - Bing Crosby
Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree - Brenda Lee

 Image Sources: 1 2 3

Christmas Nostalgia

Here's some Christmastime nostalgia for you, courtesy of All You:

Do you remember receiving any of these as gifts? I loved my caboodle and gel pens!

The Polish & Sparkle Holiday 2012 Gift Guide

Still haven't gotten your Christmas shopping done? No worries! Check out these items; there's bound to be the perfect gift here for at least one of the ladies on your list!

The Polish & Sparkle Holiday 2012 Gift Guide

The gift that keeps on giving: A Julep Maven, Glymm or a good old fashioned magazine subscription.

Mix-and-Match Cookie Tin: A delicious present you can put together yourself.

Body Image Boost: A plush size yay! scale or body positive anthology would be the perfect present for any woman in your life.

Music to her ears: Beef up her playlist with some great jams.

Festive bubble bath: Ahh, luxury!

Indulge her intellect: An Indigo or Barnes and Noble gift card lets her pick out her own great read.

Champagne: Whether she enjoys it as an extravagant just-because treat or on New Year's Eve is up to her.

Julep and Glymm are affiliate links. Thanks for supporting Polish and Sparkle!

75 Good Ideas for a Great Holiday

Here are some little things I recommend to make this winter holiday your best yet. Do them all or pick just a few, then tell me about them in the comments below!

1 Cupcakes! Make some, buy some... Whatever you do, cupcakes are always a fun, delicious addition to any day.

2 Stock up on magazines and novels. When it gets cold out, there's nothing like curling up at home with a good read.

3 Plan a get-together with your best friends.

4 Go snowshoeing or tobogganing. Great exercise, and a fantastic way to spend time with friends or family.

5 Stay inside and indulge in DIY spa treatments-- mani-pedis, facials, the whole thing!

6 Treat yourself to your childhood favourite sweets.

7 Have a movie marathon. All the Harry Potter films? A Fred and Ginger double feature? 

8 Taste a whole bunch of teas. Peppermint is always delicious. David's Tea's holiday blends look amazing, too! And Tazo's passionfruit is yummy and fruity.

9 One word: limoncello.

10 Plan a getaway. 

11 Take an online course. Coursera offers free online courses from top universities worldwide.

12 Have a Channukah party, complete with dreidel games and sufganyot.

13 Try glögg

14 Go winter camping and stay in a yurt. My family did this a few times when I was little, and it was a very memorable experience.

15 Turn up the heat, mix some piña coladas and pretend you're in the Tropics.

16 Learn to make a classic holiday recipe from scratch.

17 Knit a scarf or sew embellishments to an old sweater.

18 Go thrifting.

19 Go for a drive in the countryside.

20 Call your friends or family back home. 

21 Send handwritten thank you cards to everyone who sent you a card or gift this season.

22 Decorate gingerbread men.

24 Avoid the cold and stay in to organize your closet.

25 Invest in warm, high-quality winter boots.

26 Go skating with your lover (and hold hands!).

27 Catch up on schoolwork (or paperwork, or bills) so there's less on your plate after the holidays.

28 Spend a day doing absolutely nothing.

29 Volunteer (or donate money) to an organization you care about.

30 Send care packages to friends far from home.

31 Make paper snowflakes.

32 Drink hot chocolate with marshmallows.

33 Build a snowman.

34 Go to the beach and marvel at the frozen lake. 

35 Catch up on a TV series you enjoy. I recommend Big Bang Theory or Mad Men.

36 Go to shul or church (or whatever your  place of worship may be).

37 Make holiday cards and send them out to loved ones.

38 Learn a new skill, like calligraphy, skiing or photo editing.

39 Start a journal, diary or blog.

40 Find a new favourite indoor sport. Bowling? Roller skating? Swimming?

41 Go to a burlesque show.

42 Go for a walk at sunrise.

43 Read about Seasonal Affective Disorder, just in case

44 Email someone you haven't spoken to in ages, just to say hi.

45 Create a LinkedIn profile and a twitter account so you'll be ready to network in the new year.

46 Make New Year's resolutions.

47 Knock a few items off your bucket list.

48 Make sugar cookies or decorate ornaments for your relatives or neighbours.

49 Eat peppermint everything!

50 Host a dinner party.

51 Redesign your website.

52 Get reacquainted with your old favourite holiday movies and music.

53 Get a massage

54 Wear something velvet or sequined

56 Explore Toronto's PATH for some indoor shopping and exercise.

57 Light a menorah

58 Decorate a Christmas tree

59 Learn about a holiday you don't celebrate, but others do, at this time of year. Kwanzaa? Yule?

60 Go to the theatre

61 If you're daring, try a polar bear dip. I want to, but I don't think I'm brave enough (yet!).

62 Learn to crochet, felt or sew, and make something cozy.

63 Discover what style of hat looks best on you, and wear it all winter long.

64 Look at pictures of dogs in sweaters, because they're soooo cute!

65 Buy some cozy pyjamas and fuzzy socks.

66 Make soup. 

67 Peruse a craft show.

68 Spend an afternoon people watching at a local cafe.

69 Bring some unworn mittens to a women's shelter.

70 Have a hot bubble bath.

71 Read the classics.

72 Snuggle with a kitten.

73 Treat a friend to coffee.

74 Look at pictures of palm trees and beaches.

75 Chill vodka in a snow bank and make martinis.

What are you going to do this holiday?

Image Sources: 1 2 3 4 5 6

Money, Mockingjay Cookies & Bad Fashion: Link Love 1.12.2012

Amazing Christmas lights.

Also Christmas-related: Dear Santa Letter sent 100 years ago found up chimney. Isn't that incredible?!

Another holiday article: Traditional Hanukkah Dishes. I looooove latkes!

This Christmas lyrics banner tutorial is fabulous. Glitter!

Great tips for saving money (and the picture made me giggle). The only tip I don't agree with is #9. How about you?

If being frugal isn't for you... Starbucks is offering a new $7 cup of coffee. Would you try it?

10 charming words for nasty people, from Merriam-Webster.

How do you feel about these "worst fashion trends"? I can't believe anyone ever thought drop crotch pants were a good idea, but I like spirit hoods. They're cute.

In rural India, over 80% of women use unsanitary rag cloths during menstruation. These cloths can cause infections and even infertility, cancer, and death. When a man discovered that his wife was using such cloths, he designed a sanitary pad-- and even tested it himself. Now manufacturing and selling the pads is a growing business in multiple Indian states, and a documentary film has been made about it. Incredible!

I want these Mockingjay cookies!

4 Twilight Movies According to Someone Who Hasn't Seen Them is pretty entertaining.

I like this career advice from Penelope Trunk.

Finally: kitties!

What did you read this week?


8 Things To Do This Black Friday

Note: This article is especially for my American readers, who are celebrating Thanksgiving today.

Instead of rushing to the mall tomorrow, here's how you could be spending Black Friday:

1 Shopping online instead. No crowds, so you can take your time. Less stress, so you'll probably spend less money. And you can stay in your pj's.

2 Writing a Things I Love Friday list. Thanksgiving should be every day!

3 Curling up with a great read. Pore over your favourite blogs' archives or choose an exciting novel.

4 Whipping up a yummy, light, post-Thanksgiving brunch for yourself and your family.

5 Taking a day trip to Canada, where we don't observe Black Friday quite as fervently!

6 Looking into setting up a savings account.
Save instead of spending!

7 Skimming through the Polish and Sparkle Link Love archives.

8 Giving yourself a DIY mani-pedi. Go all out with warming scrubs and gorgeous polishes.

How are you going to spend Black Friday?

Image Source: SomeEcards

Halloween 2012: What are you doing tonight?

Me, last year around Halloween

Today doesn't feel like Halloween.

As a kid, I remember decorating my aunt's house with orange and black crepe paper streamers and putting final touches on my costume.

As a teenager, I helped my friend Carmen plan a party with horror movies and plastic bugs and pizzas.

Last year, a few days before the 31st, I went to Disney's Fort Wilderness with my then boyfriend to check out its festive spirit. The day of Halloween, he and his family dumped me, so it was just me, the cat, satellite tv and a bag of Doritos.

Even that felt more Halloween than today.

This year, the weather is dreary (though we in Toronto are better off than America's east coast). I'm too old to go trick-or-treating. I wasn't invited to any parties. I didn't plan my own because I'm broke
and feel borderline anti-social.

My day has picked up since this morning, when I lazed in bed feeling sorry for myself (blech). I went for a walk (forget the rain!), got a hot cup of coffee and bought some 25% off fun size Snickers bars.

My mom and I had tomato soup, cheddar cheese and bagels for dinner and are sitting with the cat listening to Johnny Cash in our fuzzy pyjamas.

This Halloween may not be what Halloween is 'supposed to be', but it's far from gloomy.

What are you doing tonight?

14 Things I Love About America

Image: Anne Miller

Happy 4th of July, American friends! In honour of your special day, let's count down my favourite 14 things about the lovely USA.

14 New York City. I'll never forget the beautiful few days I spent in the city that never sleeps!

13 American Dad. The perfect mix of stupid humour and intelligent laughs.

12 Sweet Tea. Delicious, refreshing and the drink associated with southern hospitality (see #2).

11 Casserole. Though it was invented by a French Canadian, the hearty baked goodness was largely popularized by American housewives from the 1950s to 1970s.

10 Junk Food. Take 5, Oreos and Zero bars? I love you.

9 Disney, Disney World, Disney Land, Mickey Mouse... Everything Disney. The child in me thanks you, America.

8 Trader Joe's. I could spend hours there!

7 Florida. This one is obvious.

6 Magazines. There are so many great magazines based in America, like Bust, Bitch and Glamour.

5 Pop Culture. Okay, I could take or leave lots of it, but there are so many incredible movie stars and musicians from America's past and present: My Chemical Romance, Bette Davis, Lady Gaga, Emma Stone, Patsy Cline, Taylor Swift, Montgomery Clift....

4 Red, White & Blue. It's very easy and enjoyable to express your love of the USA in your decor or clothing.

3 Patriotism. Stars and stripes are everywhere! The passion and pride Americans feel for their country are so inspiring.

2 Southern Hospitality. I'm enamoured of Southern Belle culture. It's practically an art.

1 USA + Canada's Friendship. Being Canadian, this had to be my first choice. Of course.

What's your favourite thing about America?

Unforgettable Mother's Day Ideas

Mother's Day is May 13th this year... what do you have planned?

I'm taking my Maman to Buffalo (her favourite city) for the weekend. She and I are very close, so spending time together seems like the perfect gift, especially if it's accompanied with a handmade card and maybe frappuccinos on a flowery patio or a couple of her favourite tank tops in summer-y colours.

If you don't have any ideas for your mother's special day, never fear!

Here are a bunch of ideas for your Mother's Day gifts and celebration:

Token of Your Love

If you seek a sartorial gem, fun tchochke or sweet memento, try one of these:

♥ A pair of luxe silver or gold earrings. She'd never buy them for herself.
♥ Chocolates and flowers are classic for a reason. Thoughtfulness goes a long way: treat her to her favourite blooms and be sure to include a handwritten card.
♥ Pick up a colourful basket at a craft shop or dollar store and fill it with fun and frivolous treats that all fit a theme: cats, spa or Parisian, perhaps?

Oh, Glorious Day!

Give her an experience, not an item.

♥ Make an amazing dinner for just the two of you. Light her favourite scented candles, play some cheerful tunes and surprise her with a bouquet of flowers. 
♥ If you live in different cities, get her a prepaid long-distance phone card or a Skype membership. Plan a virtual mother-daughter date: each rent the same movie, pick up some chocolate cake and a bottle of wine, and enjoy while you're on the phone. 

♥  Go to a Broadway show or concert. Tickets are often affordable if you book well in advance (it's something to look forward to!) or go to an amateur production.
♥ Spend a day out on the town together. See a movie, go to the restaurant you two love best, do some shopping or people-watch over frozen hot chocolates.
♥ Get mani/pedis together, or have a spa day at your home or hers. Wine, chocolate and trashy magazines are a bonus!

Uniquely Hers

Mama always said it's the thought that counts, and what better way to show her she's on your mind than to make a special treat, just for her?

Write her a beautiful card or poem. Tell her how much she means to you. 
♥ Homemade beauty products are just this thing! This DIY loofah soap looks scrumptious.
♥ How cool would it be to see your mom rocking the shoes, necklace or top you made just for her?

Indie, Handmade

Short on time, or not artistically-inclined, but still looking for a gift that no other mother in her circle will have?

An art print. I love this one.
A year's subscription to the Goddess Circle (it has a special area for Mama Goddesses!).
♥ A fabulous outfit, accessory or objet d'art from an artisan on Etsy or at a local craft fair.

What do you have planned for your mother's special day?

Image Source

Merry Imbolc!

I always feel so hopeful around this time of year: Spring is on her way, Imbolc has begun & everything feels fresh and new and filled with promise.

What is Imbolc? Imbolc is (in its most basic definition) a Pagan holiday celebrating Spring's coming. By February, most of us are tired of the cold, snowy season. Imbolc reminds us that spring is coming soon, and that we only have a few more weeks of winter to go. The sun gets a little brighter, the earth gets a little warmer... [Source].

Take a moment to take a few deep breaths. Notice the air filling your lungs, your chest rising, your whole body growing calm.

With this new sense of tranquility, ponder for a few minutes how the whole world is filling with light and hope. Snow will melt soon, giving way to flowers. The fears and guilt so often associated with New Year's will melt away, too, leaving in their wake a new, healthy you and a fresh start.

I am getting a head start on my spring cleaning (both in my house and in my head). I'm trying to be positive and healthy, as I'm always reminded to be on the Sabbats, especially this one.

Regardless of whether you're Pagan of any denomination, or whether you observe Sabbats, I hope you'll take this chance to reflect, to celebrate and to cleanse your life & feel hopeful and free.

Merry Imbolc, beautiful.

Related Links:

| Image Source | Holidays | Inspiration

Some Valentine's Day Ideas

Now that February is here, Valentine's Day is on nearly everyone's mind. Here's some advice from yours truly, plus some of your favourite celebs-- for single ladies, couples & BFFs.

Delicious wine & a movie. Amy Lee suggests: "If you're single, watch a movie like Dirty Dancing or Sleepless in Seattle and drink plenty of red wine".

Vantines aren't only for lovers. Send an anonymous love note to someone you admire.

"Buy your own chocolate! Not from the drugstore- go someplace decadent like Godiva and spend $30 on a box of the good stuff. It's so luxe to treat yourself," enthuses writer Jennifer Weiner.

If you're not a chocoholic, go for a nice bottle of pink champagne, as Lauren Weisberger suggests. Your friends will love it too!

Self-love is essential. Take this opportunity to buy yourself a little treat, like a vibrator or lingerie. You're hot & you deserve it!

An awesome idea from Jennifer Garner: "If you don't have a boyfriend, just grab your girlfriends and go. My best Valentine's Day, I took my friend, both of us were single, and said, 'Screw it, we're going to go have a romantic weekend.' We went to the wine country, we stayed in romantic bed-and-breakfasts, and we had wine tastings and great meals and massages. We were surrounded by couples in love, and we did not care."

If you're in a relationship, do as Dan Savage says & "fuck first, eat later". Skip the crowds by having a late, romantic dinner-- one that follows mind-blowing orgasms and a fabulously intimate few hours together.

There are more ideas to come, but I thought I'd get you started! Do you have any ideas to share?

Image SourceLink

New Year's 2012 Roundup

Hey gorgeous! Happy New Year!

Here are my favourite New Year's & end of year roundup posts from around the web:

You can never go wrong with these posts from Gala Darling-- awesome New Year's Eve inspiration.

Catsparella's "The Best Maru Moments of 2011" had me laughing & 'awwing'... What a purr-fectly splendid (I couldn't resist!) post.

This sentiment from Neil Gaiman is simply magical!

If you're going out tonight, see my post from last year, "What's in your NYE party bag?" for tips on what to bring with you!

And start 2012 off right by entering the giveaway!

What To Eat for Christmas Dinner

Food is a hot topic year-round, but when the holidays approach, women begin to feel especially guilty about their food intake.

The delicious aroma of Christmas Dinner, the mouthwatering desserts on the table... It can be hard to resist. So here's my advice: Don't.

If you're calculating calories or banning dessert, how can you enjoy yourself? The holidays are supoosed to be festive and fun, not fraught with guilt and anxiety over what you eat & how you look.

Enjoy what you eat. Eat when you're hungry. Stop when you're full. And most importantly, have a wonderful time!
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