Showing posts with label Creativity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Creativity. Show all posts

2 New Ways to Catch Creative Ideas Whenever They Strike

You're at home on the couch, tub of popcorn on your lap and movie on TV. Suddenly, a brilliant idea strikes! ...but no paper is on hand. You'll remember later, right?

How about using one of these creative and convenient ideas??

1 It looks like black paint--but it will act as a chalkboard! Simply paint a couple of coats on the wall of your choice (paint over it in a different colour, if you like) and voila!! Check out the hardware store to buy.

2 Remember writing on the wall (or wanting to to) as a kid?  Here's your opportunity! Art supply stores are a great resource, even if you're not an artist.  Purchase a roll of mural or butcher paper. Roll it out on the floor or tape a large section to the wall when you need to brainstorm. Pages can easily be folded or rolled up and stored, or recycled when you're done with them.

Go off and be creative now, my dears! Where will your ideas take you?
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