Showing posts with label Birthday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Birthday. Show all posts

How I'm Celebrating Turning 22

Since I just celebrated my birthday on the 3rd, I'm really excited to share a project I'm working on. Inspired by this story and The Birthday Project, in honour of my 22nd birthday, I pledge to perform 22 acts of kindness, throughout this month and this year. Items that have been struck out have been completed.

Here's what I have planned:

1 Help cats at an animal shelter
2 Get involved with No More/Joyful Heart Foundation
3 Help my mom with her new business venture
4 Compliment a stranger
5 Create another freebie for The Selectively Silent Child
6 Get involved with the Trichotillomania Learning Foundation
7 Write for/about a cause I believe in
8 Donate to Scarleteen
9 Go out of my way to hold the door for someone
10 Buy and flaunt a Cat Tee Mission shirt
11 Send letters to friends I don't talk to often enough
12 Buy a stranger breakfast
13 Slip inspirational quotes written on post-its into library books
14 Sign the HAES pledge
15 Take part in Starbucks Come Together
16 Give a fellow Greyhound passenger reading material and snacks for her trip
17 Explain Health At Every Size to someone who is (unintentionally) not being body posi
18 Learn more (and speak up about) more intersectional feminist issues
19 Leave friendly comments on a bunch of other bloggers' Instagrams
20 Return all the carts at TJ Maxx
21 Contribute to The Birthday Project
22 Host a giveaway at Polish and Sparkle (keep an eye out for it!)

Have you done a similar project? What are your plans for your birthday?

(photo source: PhotosByKim on Etsy)

Happy Birthday, Becca!

I celebrated my twentieth birthday today. I believe that, no matter your age, you have wisdom to impart to the world. So here's mine:

• Do what makes you happy.

• It's okay to be different. In fact, you will find that you're not 'weird' or 'fucked up'; you're special, and the people who love you will see that.

• Laughter and sex are not mutually exclusive.

Reading "health" magazines is actually bad for your health.

• It's okay to ask for help.

• Sometimes when we're stressed, we forget to breathe. Stop and take a deep breath. You'll feel better.

• You're never too old for Toy Story.

• A change of scenery can change your life. Sometimes a trip is exactly what you need.

• Never doubt the power of hugs to bring people closer together-- not just literally.

• Self-love is essential. You are worth loving. Celebrate!

• Drinking multiple glasses of water each day is very good for you.

• Your true friends will stand by you, no matter what.

• Birthday cake is delicious year-round (not just on your birthday!).

• Learning to love your body is probably a lifelong process, so you had best get started now! It's worth it, and so are you.

• That old cliche, "age is just a number" is absolutely correct.

• Once in a while, ice cream for breakfast is divine.
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