Showing posts with label Aspirations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Aspirations. Show all posts
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How To Make This Year Your BEST YET!!

Happy 2012, beautiful!

Whether you've made new year's resolutions or not, there are lots of little things you can do to assure yourself an awesome year, one day at a time.

Here are 4 ideas to try:

1 Work on a 'what I love about myself' list. At the start of a new year it's so easy to focus on things we wish to change, especially with everyone around us bemoaning their sky-high debt or criticizing their cellulite-riddled thighs. Forget that! Focus instead on what you're doing right-- meditating weekly, conditioning your hair often or excelling at school.

2 Treat yourself & a friend to some really great hot chocolate, complete with marshmallows, whipped cream & a cherry on top! Yum.

3 Go through your underwear drawer, getting rid of holey socks & granny panties-- and replace them with stylish knee-highs & frilly, neon-coloured or pastel-hued knickers! You deserve to feel pretty. Your drawer of 'unmentionables' should reflect that.

4 Subscribe to a magazine that makes you feel good. Fashion mags are fun, but they don't necessarily have a great impact on our self-esteem. And while it's great to be well-informed, dry news magazines or newspapers can be upsetting rather than entertaining. Try Bust, Bitch or Shameless. Trust me!

What else would you add?

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