Showing posts with label Amanda Palmer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Amanda Palmer. Show all posts

"This Is the Future of Music": Amanda Palmer to Release First Full-Length Album in 4 Years

Amanda "Fucking" Palmer hasn't released a full-length album in over four years.

She's been independently releasing EPs at her bandcamp page (to the endless support of her fans), but an entire album hasn't been seen... until now.

Amanda and her band, The Grand Theft Orchestra, just finished recording a brand new album ("my best fucking album to date"), and have set up a kickstarter where you can donate to the cause and get some great music in return (for as little as a dollar!).

"This is the future of music"-- and Amanda wrote the soundtrack.

Facebook, Fruit Eggrolls + Vintage Vibrators: Confetti 9.9.2011

TGIF! Enjoy this week's Confetti.

The Seven Most Ridiculously Amazing Things About Beyonce.I love how intelligent she comes across as when she speaks. Not to mention how glam she is! Fierce.

These fruit eggrolls look delicious.

Amanda Palmer fans, you probably already know, but... There's an Evelyn Evelyn graphic novel coming out soon! Check out this MTV Geek interview with Amanda Fucking Palmer.

Hey, fatshionistas! Domino Dollhouse has a new divine collection of dresses out.

If you're a fan of Facebook you'll 'like' this one... Facebook Like Button Cupcake.

Check out this vintage vibrator advertisement from a 1960s lingerie catalogue (via Dita Von Teese)!

Have a great weekend!
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