Showing posts with label 2012. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2012. Show all posts

Polish & Sparkle: The Year In Review

With 2013's arrival, here's a look back at the best of Polish & Sparkle in 2012:

Body Image

5 Reasons to be Body Positive
You ARE Beautiful NOW
Body-Shaming Hurts Skinny Girls Too
Fashion & Beauty

Comfy, Cozy, Stylish Sweaters
Go For "Baroque"
Matryoshkas galore!
Winter Nail Polish Picks
♥ Like many fashionistas, I looooved colourblocking!
Poodle Skirts & Ponytails -- my 50s-inspired What I Wore post
How To Wear Neon
Simple & Chic in Atlanta

♥ I went to Buffalo, NY-- 3 times!
Niagara Falls (ON): 1 Day, On Foot
NYC's Museum of Sex
Snapshots from my trip to New York City & Washington, DC.
I went to Florida-- one of my favourite places.
Toronto's One of a Kind Christmas Show
Finance & Career

How To Get Great Job References
The Smart Broke Girl's Guide To Money
7 Indispensable iPhone Apps for Bloggers & Creative Business Owners

Mental Health

What To Do When You Can't Sleep
10 Little Things To Do For Yourself
DIY manicures changed my life!
What is Trichotillomania?

I celebrated my birthday in style.
♥ I had a major existential breakthrough
♥ I wrote an open letter to 15 year-old me.

Other Stuff

♥ I explored Health At Every Size & shared why you should, too.
♥ I discovered 11 of the best things about being single.
I interviewed Emilie Autumn.

And I was published at other sites, including Examiner, Kind Over Matter and Florida Homeschooling.

Here's hoping 2013 is even better than 2012!

Link Love 31.12.2012

Enjoy this end-of-the-year bumper edition of Link Love!

Firstly, some New Year's themed links: party ideas, a checklist for your New Year's party clutch (this article is a blast from my past-- I wrote it in 2010!), The Year in Sex, 5 Fashion and Beauty Resolutions, 50 things to rid your life of in 2013, and biz ideas for the new year.

Big failure, big success. 12 people to keep you going.

Tess Munster made a two-part collage of her favourite photoshoots she took part in this year: 1 & 2.

Listening to Ziggy Stardust and sipping Bowie- inspired cocktails sounds pretty glam.

As a queer person who's recently started listening to hip-hop, this makes me happy. Related: Autostraddle lists the top 10 queer female television characters of 2012.

Social Media-inspired crafts you can own?! Yes!! I want them all! I don't even care if that makes me a nerd :) 

Parrots universally hate techno. Hilarious!

Apparently Les Mis is not a musical, it's an 'Oprah'.

I often feel like this. Don't you?

Cake batter milkshakes!

I love funny signs! "I clean my house fortnightly. I'm happy" is my favourite.

Have you seen the latest movie poster for Catching Fire? It's gorgeous! Speaking of which, "eat your way through The Hunger Games"! Yum.

Jezebel rounds up the best nail art of 2012.

Let's end on an inspiring note: this is a great quote!

Happy New Year!

Image: Tess Munster

Halloween 2012: What are you doing tonight?

Me, last year around Halloween

Today doesn't feel like Halloween.

As a kid, I remember decorating my aunt's house with orange and black crepe paper streamers and putting final touches on my costume.

As a teenager, I helped my friend Carmen plan a party with horror movies and plastic bugs and pizzas.

Last year, a few days before the 31st, I went to Disney's Fort Wilderness with my then boyfriend to check out its festive spirit. The day of Halloween, he and his family dumped me, so it was just me, the cat, satellite tv and a bag of Doritos.

Even that felt more Halloween than today.

This year, the weather is dreary (though we in Toronto are better off than America's east coast). I'm too old to go trick-or-treating. I wasn't invited to any parties. I didn't plan my own because I'm broke
and feel borderline anti-social.

My day has picked up since this morning, when I lazed in bed feeling sorry for myself (blech). I went for a walk (forget the rain!), got a hot cup of coffee and bought some 25% off fun size Snickers bars.

My mom and I had tomato soup, cheddar cheese and bagels for dinner and are sitting with the cat listening to Johnny Cash in our fuzzy pyjamas.

This Halloween may not be what Halloween is 'supposed to be', but it's far from gloomy.

What are you doing tonight?

100 Things to do in 2012

I love lists. I love goals. And I love Goddess Leonie's Goddess Guidebook, which totally advocates both of these things. Leonie shared her 100 Things To Do In 2012 list & that inspired me to do the same.

Some of these things are frivolous and fun, while others are more goal-oriented or related to self-improvement or career. All of them are important to me. Let's go!
  1. Find the best lip stain for me & wear it beautifully
  2. Figure out what 'my drink' is
  3. Go for a long hike in High Park
  4. Moisturize more often
  5. Find the perfect pushup bra
  6. Visit a few of my favourite cities
  7. Go to the ocean!!!! I haven't been in years and I crave it like nothing else
  8. Get over my ex completely
  9. Spend more time and energy on loving myself
  10. Kiss a girl
  11. Kiss a boy
  12. Publish an article on Selective Mutism in a magazine or newspaper
  13. Have a fantastically indulgent "staycation" with my Maman
  14. Get my eyebrows done professionally
  15. And a manicure
  16. Interview Emilie Autumn when she comes to Canada this year (!!!) 
  17. Read the article here!
  18. Meditate more
  19. Bake muffins
  20. Bring sandwiches to the homeless gentlemen near my favourite library
  21. Go to a musical (preferably on Broadway!)
  22. Go to a concert (Emilie Autumn). Maybe another?!
  23. Dance in moonlight, say spells & be more spiritual overall
  24. Get my ears repierced
  25. Start a savings account
  26. Apply to a college or university program. Probably Journalism.
  27. Learn basic typography
  28. And html
  29. And graphic design
  30. Write a short story
  31. Try yoga
  32. Visit another country
  33. Take the train
  34. Paint something beautiful
  35. Work on my passive streams of income
  36. Become more fluent in French
  37. Start learning Finnish (again!)
  38. Declutter my bedroom
  39. Invest in a DSLR
  40. And a better tripod
  41. Set up my etsy store
  42. Write an article on Trichotillomania
  43. Perfect the art of the casserole!
  44. Send a PostSecret
  45. Tell a stranger she's beautiful
  46. Go swimming
  47. Finish an entire tube of lip balm
  48. Go to an opera
  49. Share a popsicle (the kind that break in half!) with a friend when it's really hot out
  50. Leave a huge tip
  51. Visit the Niagara Hershey's Factory
  52. Have a slumber party with my best friends
  53. Visit Stacy in Ottawa
  54. Visit Kayla in CT
  55. Ride a ferris wheel
  56. Ride a carousel
  57. Spend a day at the ROM
  58. Spend a day at the library
  59. Spend a day writing at Second Cup
  60. Buy some fabulous high heels
  61. Try quilling
  62. Make a cross-stitch sampler
  63. Acquire a classic circle skirt to wear with my crinoline
  64. Treat a friend to cupcakes at Sweet Escape or Dufflet's
  65. Treat myself to dinner in Little Italy
  66. Give something fabulous away on for free :)
  67. Join LinkedIn Rebecca Esther on LinkedIn.
  68. Join Flickr
  69. Condition my hair more frequently
  70. Practice making prints (block prints, letterpress, etc)
  71. Print out a bunch of my photos and fill a photo album
  72. Improve my photography skills
  73. Work on Living Creatively (a new project that's in progress!)
  74. Support more independent artists, more often
  75. Memorize a beautiful poem
  76. Volunteer at a burlesque show (I haven't in ages and I miss that!)
  77. Flirt with someone cute :)
  78. Get business cards printed
  79. Take part in an LGBT/Pride event
  80. Do something political, like volunteer for the NDP
  81. Eat some chocolate-dipped cookies from Steeles Bakery
  82. Not ready to talk about this one, but it has to do with my friend Veronica.
  83. Celebrate Shabbat
  84. Be my own valentine
  85. Celebrate Easter
  86. Celebrate Samhain
  87. Celebrate Christmas
  88. Get all dolled up and go to a bar (solo!)
  89. Ace my Human Sexuality course
  90. Visit the Smithsonian museums
  91. Buy a corset
  92. Do something wild & fabulous with my hair
  93. Make sea salt or sugar scrub
  94. Go sledding
  95. Write a guest post for someone's blog
  96. Be hired to help a business with copy writing or editing
  97. Read a really great memoir
  98. Make handmade sachets
  99. Buy a huge tote bag or carry-on luggage (for day trips)
  100. Find amazing Canadian companies with whom to work
  101. Make someone smile every single day
The ones I've done are struck out. .

What's on your 2012 To Do list?

Image Source

2011: A Year In Review

I know a lot of bloggers are already done their year-end retrospectives, but I've been pondering mine for ages. In fact, I thought I'd forgo it all together. But I don't feel right not tying all the loose ends from last year into a neat, pretty bow to help me move forward. Maybe you'll also get something out of this exercise-- and I'd love to hear about the ups and downs of your year, too.

2011's most memorable happenings:

I fell in love with a boy... who later broke my heart. So I wrote about it. How Taylor Swift of me!

I travelled across the continent all by myself-- twice.

I visited New York City, Washington DC, Richmond & Alexandria (VA), Orlando, Kissimmee & Loxahatchee (FL) and lots more American cities I'd never been to before.

My writing was featured in Love Twenty Magazine, Datingish and others, plus I wrote for EdenFantasys, The Selectively Silent Child & other companies.

2012 is off to a good start.

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