This week...
♥ I started planning for 2013. I think it's going to be a great year!
♥ I had coffee with Lin and Warren. It was wonderful to vent about the stigma attached to mental illness, in/visible disabilities, and how religion impacts coping strategies. Sometimes you just need a sounding board for those sorts of things. The cherry Italian soda was pretty good, too.
♥ My best friend, Chana, slept over on Boxing Day. Ilovehersomuch. We drank red wine, discussed plans for the new year and listened to Metric. Chana one of those precious people who, no matter how long it's been since you've seen them, you pick up right where you left off.
Little things which made me smile:
♥ Revisiting my teenage playlists. The Used, anyone? ♥ Trying on plastic tiaras at Dollarama ♥ Brunch with Vivian ♥ The Mindy Project ♥ A HUGE Dairy Milk bar... yum!
♥ Signing up for a Women and the Civil Rights Movement course with Brigitte (so we're kind of college buddies even though she's in Texas and I'm in Ontario?! Yes!!) ♥
♥ 'I love you' texts from my Mom, just because. ♥ The first snowfall ♥
♥ Tush is coming home from India this week! ♥ Crash Love ♥ News about this film. ♥
How was your week? What are you most looking forward to in 2013?