Setting Goals: 25 Before 25

Last year I completed my 20 Before 20 bucket list... this year I'm going to begin a new one: 25 Before 25.

Lots of bloggers have their own spin on the bucket list, like Goddess Leonie's 100 Things To Do In 2012 (which I emulated), and Nubby Twiglet's simple list of goals. I'm going to make my own and blog about each goal I reach.

Just shy of 21 years of age, I feel it's time for me to embark upon my 25 before 25.

1 Spend a winter in Florida.

2 Earn a degree.

3 Be published in a glossy magazine.

4 Visit Canada's maritimes.

5 Pay off my credit card debt.

6 Interview Amanda Palmer.

7 Learn Finnish

8 Find my body's healthy weight and learn to embrace it

9 See a country concert in Nashville

10 Get a waist training corset

11 Make at least my personal annual financial goal from my freelance writing business alone

12 Memorize a favourite poem

13 Learn to make black forest cake, casserole, cornbread and gnocchi from scratch

14 Visit another continent

15 Swim in the ocean

16 Improve my sense of self worth

17 Drink a manhattan in Manhattan

18 Perform a burlesque routine

19 Visit New Orleans

20 See My Chemical Romance live

21 Visit the Smithsonian museums

22 Spend a day at Disney Land.

23 Perfect my Elevator Pitch.

24 See the Aurora Borealis

25 Take part in a professional pinup photo shoot

Do you have a similar list of goals?

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