It's Thursday: time for our weekly love-fest & list of all the things we're grateful for. I'll go first (& then you comment with yours}, okay?
The past few days have granted me many opportunities to reconnect with old classmates, as well as make new friends (including Ms Autumn, pictured above, whom I interviewed before her concert last night!!). I'd been feeling lonely for so long, & the universe answered my wish for companionship. I couldn't be happier!
Little things which made me smile:
♥ Lemon tarts at Leslieville cafes ♥ Buying a new lace half-slip ♥ Discussing Madonna with Ari (who's totally awesome & whom I've known since elementary school!) ♥ Little bursts of much-needed confidence ♥ Planning day-trips to Niagara Falls ♥ Reading short stories so good that make you lose track of time ♥ Finding fat-positive zines in my mailbox ♥
What made you smile this week?
post the interview xD u r sooo lucky u got 2 meet her!!! i only got 2 stay for an hour of her show since it was a school night!