In 2008, the Daily Mail called Cheryl Cole "emaciated" and "painfully thin". Now, Closer Magazine says she's "gained weight".
Here's what Kate Nash's take on the situation, as posted on her blog.
A... the woman is tiny.
B... even if she wasn't, her life.
C... the person who put a photo from a silly angle of her chin and wrote an article on giving her shit for having put on weight, fuck you! fuck you for giving girls and boys everywhere a complex about the way they look. jesus, everyone's so obsessed with looks and perfection. don't you understand that by attacking you're destroying the nation's self esteem.
I have a double chin from the wrong angle, I have cellulite from any angle, I have curves and spots and imperfections all over my body. I don't love it but I ain't gonna fucking hate myself just because some shitty magazines will write shit about me for being human. I'm glad I'm the way I am, I'm normal, I'm a freak. I'm free.
Start a revolution of imperfections and freedom, because that is truly the most beautiful.
Outside glossy magazines, does the media's concept of perfection really exist? More importantly, why should we have to conform to it?
Our so-called 'flaws' make us who we are. Different body shapes, skin tones, quirks... These make us special. Accepting, loving them is most revolutionary, most beautiful of all.
So support artists who empower you. Embrace the Fat Acceptance movement (people are gorgeous, lovable and worthy of respect at every size!). Tell yourself how ridiculously stunning you are, because it is so damn true.
Related resources: Kate Nash's Music. What is the Fat Acceptance movement? Body Image articles @ etched in tin.
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